“cheers and claps are joined by many laughs, a few gasps and an enormity of goodwill rich with a vibe that is as comfy and warm as tea from a pot… (Kweens of Comedy welcomes) the best of what contemporary Sydney comedy offer.”

Reviews by Judith
“cheers and claps are joined by many laughs, a few gasps and an enormity of goodwill rich with a vibe that is as comfy and warm as tea from a pot… (Kweens of Comedy welcomes) the best of what contemporary Sydney comedy offer.”
“the greatest thing to hit the Oxford Street strip, since Mr Crackles introduced ‘tater-tots’ to their 3am, post-Stonewall, menu!”
“A no-holds-barred (and wholly inclusive) night of sketch comedy, improv, drag and more!”
“One of the city’s most inclusive comedy nights”